Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Product Rave: Origins Plantscription

Plantscription is an anti-aging product by Origins. ($55)
Awesome! I started off using this because they were giving samples out and honestly, it was the best thing to ever happen to my skin! It goes on smooth and leaves kind of a satin-y finish on your skin. I realize this product is an anti-aging product but I use it because it just makes my skin BETTER. I've used this over the course of about a month now (counting the times I used the samples) and my skin is looking more even, I have less breakouts and my skin is so smooth. It is a little pricey for 1fl. oz BUT! Compared to the other name brand (cough Olay cough) anti-aging products, the results are well worth the price. Ask for a sample at a Origins store and give it a shot. I LOVE this!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Product Review: Origins Modern Friction

Modern Friction is a dermabrasion product put out by Origins.
$18.50 for small tube and $37.50 for the large.
Really great product. After using this my skin is baby soft and smooth. Hasn't irritated my skin once after use. Unlike some of the other exfoliators I've used, Modern Friction doesn't feel like I'm scratching my skin with tiny salt granules. It's very thick and the product recommends use with no water so it forces you to really scrub your skin. If you use this and you feel like it's not spreading you can add just a touch of water and it'll totally be easier to spread.
!!Exfoliator Tip!!
When you use exfoliators, make sure you use it at night because that is when your skin is rejuvinating. Taking off the layer of dead skin helps that rejuvination along. Make sure you follow exfoliation with your regular lotion!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Healthy Recipe #1

Since my blog is titled 'Friendly Face AND Body, I have decided from time to time to enter in recipes that I think make excellent healthy contributions to the body. The first one I'm adding is a recipe for tomato bruschetta.  Super easy to make and very summer friendly!

First to get your attention, lets go over the health benefits:
*DISCLAIMER: please do NOT think that eating this all the time will cure you of all your health issues because it won't. It's just ONE of many healthy recipes.
- Garlic: can prevent common cold, can treat acne, can lower cholesterol, an antioxidant, can lower blood pressure, can boost metabolism!
- Olive oil: source of monounsaturated fat -> can protect against cancer and heart disease
- Tomatoes: vitamins! plus has lycopene which can prevent cancer
- Basil: pro-vitamin A which is essential for cardiovascular health, prevents free radical damage,  protects our cells, prevents unwanted bacterial growth, an anti-inflammatory
- Balsamic vinegar: can suppress appetite, can boost metabolism, antioxidant, can prevent fatigue and anemia, can lower cholesterol

Now for the recipe!
Tomato Bruschetta
cherry tomatoes or roma tomatoes
balsamic vinegar
olive oil
chopped/sliced garlic (depends on what you like better)
parmesan cheese
french bread (or any kind of bread really, pick your favorite!)
*As you have noticed, I put no quantity because this recipe is very forgiving of just winging it :)
*Start out slow when adding ingredients because you can always add more but you can't take any out.

1) Chop up the tomatoes.
2) Drizzle in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Mix it with the tomatoes a bit.
3) Add in chopped garlic.
4) Add in basil.
5) Slice the bread into an 1" or so slices and toast.
6) Top bread with tomato stuff, top with parmesan and eat!

Monday, June 6, 2011

My (Current) Holy Grail Products Part I

To start things off right, I should first let all of you know what I consider to be my 'holy grail' products. Holy grail products = The products I love, the products that will utterly crushed me if they were ever to discontinue them, the products that I will shell out the big bucks for (bigs bucks being relative). Keep in mind that I did but 'current' in parentheses because new products are coming out everyday and I may stray...

#1: Lancome Definicils Mascara
Yes, I know that this mascara gets A LOT of hype...and rightfully so. This mascara lengthens my eyelashes with no comparison to other mascaras. I know there are some (very foolish) who compare this mascara to Maybelline Great Lash. No, no...I have tried Great Lash and it does not compare.
*update: credit to my sister for introducing me to this product*

#2: Neutrogena Ageless Essentials Continuous Hydration • Night
I have re-bought this lotion so many times that I have lost track. My skin is combination which, let's be real, is just a nice way of saying skin that's temperamental and difficult to manage. This lotion is great. Although it looks like a very thick lotion, it is a very light lotion. It goes on smoothly and leaves the skin so soft. Breakouts are always a concern when using a semi-thick lotion but I have had no problems.

#3: Bed Head Headrush
A must-have for my hair before straightening. A hairdresser introduced me to this product several years ago and I still haven't stopped buying it. The spray is a light mist that adds shine and moisture so that my hair won't get dull and dry after time under a hot iron. The only thing about this product is that the fine mist gets EVERYWHERE so open some  doors and turn on fans so you don't end up inhaling the stuff!

I'll leave it here for today. I wouldn't want to overwhelm you guys with words or share too many of my secrets at one go ;)
Till next time.


Yes, I have started a blog. I don't know how often or how long I will keep it up but I made it about something I am interested in so hopefully I'll keep it up.
This blog is solely for the purpose as a resource for my female friends or other people who may choose to follow.
Friendly Face and Body is going to include product reviews about face and body products that I have tried that I love, maybe links to sites that I find super helpful and about trial runs I am giving new products.
Also, I would love to get feed back or recommendation from followers of products I use or am thinking of using.
Alright then...let's do this.